Large Language Models
The Most Disruptive Technology Since the Internet

Large Language Models

The Most Disruptive Technology Since the Internet

Large Language Models (LLMs)

ChatGPT took the market by storm when it launched in Q4 of 2022. Microsoft saw the opportunity immediately and integrated Chat capabilities into much of their software. Other big tech firms were caught flat-footed. They are now racing to catch up as quickly as possible. Google has launched Bard while AWS has started rolling out Bedrock which gives users the ability to customize different LLMs for their own needs.

The space is very new and changing rapidly.

Use Cases

Internal Chat Bot

Despite the immense value and productivity from ChatGPT, many companies banned it internally due to the risk of exposing confidential information. In response, Tony used AWS Bedrock to build an internal only chat bot that leveraged the Claude 2 model from Anthropic. He constructed a user interface with Python Dash, gave the user different toggles to customize the chat bot engine, and allowed for continuous back and forth with the model. This gave internal teams direct access to one the best LLMs available on the market in a secure and isolated environment.

Python Dash LLM with Upload Capabilities

Many of the chat bots available do not allow for uploading documents. This is to keep costs down. Tony built an externally facing LLM that allows users to upload PDF, Word, and Txt files that can be included in the prompt. He also provided instructions that would allow other people to set up the same website in a blog post.